Search Results: "sukria"

13 August 2007

Alexis Sukrieh: Perl Console 0.2

Hey, version 0.2 of the Perl Console is out. I found Gunnar’s comment in my first blog entry pretty relevant: providing only a scalar output isn’t user friendly; but freezing the console with either YAML or Data::Dumper would at best satisfy half of the user base. Hence comes the “preferences” idea. The console allows the user to choose either a value or another for a given preference. No big deal there, but it’s clearly the best thing to do for the output issue. In version 0.2, the user can enter something like that to change the output mode:
:set output = yaml
If the user wants to know what are the possible values for the preference “output” he can enter the following command:
:help output
Of course, the help engine reads dynamically the preferences definition, in order not to display outdated information (code changes, you know that!). So, in short, what’s new in 0.2: The tarball is there, next step is the debian package (ITP already sent).

10 August 2007

Alexis Sukrieh: Perl Console

My Perl Console now uses Term::Readline for grabbing the user input, provides completion and keybindings. Moreover it can also load dynamically a module. Well, actually the pet program is getting older, and I could not resist to give it its own webpage. Check it out Perl developers! Note to myself (and to other members of the Debian Perl Group) : could be very useful for debugging the modules we maintain.

7 June 2007

MJ Ray: Working feedback routes attract subscribers

As I mentioned before, I'm getting quite harsh in unsubscribing from buggy feeds. I'm also being quite harsh in not subscribing to sites which have broken feedback systems like no comment box or email address, broken (rather than non-existant) trackback/pingback support, eyetests, or dumb tools like Spam Karma 2. Therefore, I'm not subscribing to Limes & Lycopene, recommended by Brane Dump: The Thoughts of Matt Palmer, because although it's an interesting site it has a broken feedback route, which makes it less attractive. It's more than a bit annoying to want to interact and then be blocked by a broken site. I still subscribe to about 100 sites, but that number will probably fall further. How do you decide what sites to drop?

10 May 2007

Alexis Sukrieh: Backup Manager 0.7.6 released

Hey Yay, Backup Manger 0.7.6 came out of the SVN repo! Check it out. Expect the Debian package to be uploaded soon in sid.

8 April 2007

Alexis Sukrieh: He just did it!


2 January 2007

Alexis Sukrieh: etch is ready for the laptop

Yes, I can tell you, if you have a laptop and want to power it with GNU/Linux, dont run too fast towards Ubuntu’s mirrors, give Debian etch 4.0 a try. It rocks baby. I’ve just installed it on an Asus W3 and a Sony Vaio SZ and the result is amazing. Everything works, even the damned suspend-to-ram thing works out-of-the box on the Asus laptop (not to mention it’s the first time I manage to suspend that laptop in that mode). Congratulations to the Debian-Installer team, you’ve made a great job guys: I wanted to have a 100% encrypted partition for my laptop and had nothing to do but telling d-i so. The graphical interface rocks too, maybe a little issue with synaptic touchpads though but that’s not that a problem as you can use the keyboard bindings at any time. That’s why I like Debian, you can raise your voice as much as you like when the release is not out in time, it just does not matter, because when it’s out, you know that quality is there. So be patient and enjoy the pleasure of the sexiest distro ever: Debian “etch” 4.0

17 November 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: Logger::Syslog, my first CPAN-candidate Perl module

I wrote a Perl module a couple of years ago, and got used to it, I just cannot code without that module now. It’s called Logger::Syslog and is a wrapper over Sys::Syslog that lets you deal with syslog in a very simple manner. Use the module and enjoy the easiness of calling info(), warning(), error() or whichever Syslog message level you like, there is a function wrapping it. It also works properly under a mod_perl environment an logs your message with additional information coming from the Perl stack (module, function name, line number, …). I use that module quite everywhere I use Perl : at work but also in my Free Software projects, like Backup Manager. It’s really time to release an “official” version that I can rely on in the future. Next step is submitting the module to the CPAN (it’s pending) and then, debianize it so backup-manager can depend on it. Todo: set up a public SVN repo to handle the sources. Updates

6 November 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: When you re a Debian Developer

… You have to provide a “” web page. So I took the time to write some stuff about my work for Debian. I’ll try to maintain that page as precisely as possible to reflect my work. It will be a good place to put some bits about apcahe-lingerd, as my inofficial packages of that patch are still used, even if the Debian Apache Team consider Apache 1.3 as an undead package. Mohammed, dear fellow NM-blood brother, I’m waiting for yours!

30 October 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: [MeMe] Oh My God!

Well, Oh, Eh…
sukria –
Sexually stunning ‘How will you be defined in the dictionary?’ at

25 October 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: WTF The Webapps Task Force strikes back!

We created the “Debian Webapps” alioth project a couple of months ago in order to write a Webapps Policy. Today, that team takes more responsability: it now maintains a couple of packages like, for instance, bugzilla which I find complex, rich and volatile enough to warrant a collaborative maintenance (long life to Subversion). TinyMCE - which can dynamically transform any textarea element into a rich-text area - will also be maintained by the team and is currently in the NEW queue (uploaded this morning).

5 October 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: The Debian Perl Group

I like Debian, and I like Perl (even if it’s not that hype nowadays). So why not joining the Debian Perl Group in order to get involved in the maintenance of Perl libraries? I’m wondering why I haven’t think about that earlier… Anyway, here it is, I joined that dynamic team; I also suggested to create an IRC chan (#debian-perl on in order to coordinate the work of the team.

27 September 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: More and more alioth://, less and less localhost://

That’s pretty cool to have such a useful environment like alioth for handling collaborative maintenance. I joined the Debian Perl Group recently in order to put my Perl packages into the hand of the team, and that reminded me how alioth is a powerful tool when you’re about handling a debian package with others. As I receive quite often some po/po-debconf updates for the package backup-manager, I decided to exhume the pkg-backup-mngr project, in order to handle the source with subversion, and to let the translators commit their changes. I now use enormously svn-buildpackage and I feel pretty happy about that. I even think about opening an alioth project for every single package I maintain (and of course, which cannot be handled by an already existing team). Update I apprently forgot the last paragraph of that post in my mind, and the mail Philipp Kern sent me made me aware of that (pointing to Rapha l Hertzog announcement about collab-maint). Indeed, Philipp, I wanted to conclude my post with something about collab-maint, I guess it’s done now. Thanks!

23 September 2006

Martin F. Krafft: Motivation

Colour me na ve, but I disagree that Debian is facing a crisis caused by First of all, stuff like this has been going on for years, and I've been personally involved in cases where money was given to developers to work on specific aspects of Debian, though it's always been up to the receiver whether to announce it or not. I hope this does not come as a surprise to you. Second, there are two issues: funding developers, and our DPL engaged in the process in a way that's not obviously independent from Debian to everyone. I think the heated debate around the latter is a mere function of the emotional issues related to the former, so I'll only concentrate on the funding aspect. When people like Joey loudly protest about where the fun has gone, I start to wonder (again) about motivation. Everyone of us who contributes to Debian does so because of some kind of motivation, whatever it may be. In my case, that motivation is technical excellence: Debian is in a position to avoid hacks and do things right, and it's a joy to be part of a community that seems to think alike, that likes to be perfectionist, pedantic, clean, academic, advanced, you name it. I am also mighty proud of Debian, of what we've achieved, of what we are. Lastly, Debian powers every single computer I administer (and the number would be far lower if it wasn't for Debian), and our operating system is how I earn my living. To me, the issue of funding developers is tangential to the development of Debian. Why should it matter that s/he gets paid by the project and I don't? I'm still doing the same work as before, and I am still doing it for the same reasons. Note that we're talking about well-defined, limited use of funds, not employment contracts. When people say that "money corrupts", I think they're taking the easy way out. Money doesn't corrupt, people corrupt in the presence of money. I'll go out on a limb and claim that a person affected by an allergy will probably rather cure the allergy than to avoid the things to which s/he's allergic. Go figure. Even though I've never really cared much for stable releases, I can understand many of our users when they ask us to get along and release "etch", and I really doubt we can do it in time just chugging along like we've been doing it in the past. Of course, Debian is all about "releasing when it's ready", and we don't know yet whether paid release managers are going to enable us to release on time and when it's ready, but isn't it worth a try? I was also opposed to the idea of paying our release managers when it first came up. However, I've managed to change perspective and am now supportive of it: we are not hiring them, they will not be Debian employees; we are raising funds for them to be able to dedicate their full time to the final, tiresome stretch just before a release, without existential worries. We are helping them to move our project along. Especially since our release team has been one of the more open teams in Debian, being quick to respond to questions and training others in the Art of Releasing Debian, I feel rather good about this particular, well-defined and limited use of our funds. All other things aside, here are my top three reasons why (I think) we really want to release "etch" on 4 December 2006, in increasing order:
  • we can be even more proud of our project than before because we've bashed one of the main, negative reputations of our project.
  • we'll have a first instance of proof that a huge and chaotic project like Debian can meet a deadline. I think this alone would be a major achievement.
  • Lars will have to tattoo his arm with our release names.
If it weren't for the last one... :) NP: Kammerflimmer Kollektief / Cicadidae

22 September 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: About choices and consequences

Indeed, Jon Downland is right, the way Debian behaves these days is not very glorious, we are reflecting a pretty bad image. I don’t know if Ubuntu can be a good example for us (because we don’t have the same priorities), but I know one thing: Debian is completely hijacked by that thing we call “money”. We have to face the reality, as soon as the money came into the game, Debian has lost a point. I cannot predict if the DPL made the good choice when he decided to launch Dunk-Tank, but I can tell that now that it’s done, people have to face a very big mess. And I really hardly see how that will help us to release etch in time…

20 September 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: Money Money Money

The Dunc-Tank is out.
Why not paying Debian Developers? Why not allowing everybody to support the project? Yes, these are good ideas…
But don’t you think we should have took the time to think about it, to discuss ideas, pros and cons? It looks like that Dunc-Tank thing was not intended to be debated (because of the fact it’s “outside of Debian”).
Anyway, I’m puzzled by two issues around the idea of paying Debian Developers by such an entity:
Well, you know, when money comes in the game…

6 September 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: Debian Developer

Here it is, I’m now an official Debian Developer. Thanks to my sponsors, Frankie, Neil and Est ban, thanks to Philipp Kern who was my Applicant Manager, thank you all.

27 August 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: The road to Backup Manager 0.8

Now that my Debian packages are in a better shape, I’m focusing on closing as much upstream bugs as I can in the BackupManager source tree. The more I close, the more I think it’s time to freeze the code for targetting a new stable release. I’d like very much to manage to release Backup Manager 0.8 before Debian enter its frozen-prerelase phase; providing a mature version of BM within “etch” would rock.

5 August 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: Backup Manager 0.7.4-1 uploaded to sid

I finnaly took the time to package 0.7.4 for Debian, thanks to Philipp Kern, it has just been uploaded. This package closes about ten bugs and provide the last available “development” release of Backup Manager. I hope this package will please those who will “apt-get” into it. I now plan to fix as much upstream bugs as I can, and moreover, work on the inclusion of rdiff-backup.

19 July 2006

Alexis Sukrieh: Gimme bandwith and CPU!

I finally managed to get my new servers up-and-running (got all the worst issues you can imagine with my hardware provider), hosted in the french data-center “TeleHouse 2″. It’s a Dual Core AMD 64 that runs a “Debian 3.1 Sarge” system, rock on babe! Now, it’s time to move everything from (my home-hosted box) to… (…and yeah, services are affected by these changes)

9 June 2006

Philipp Kern: First AM report finished

Quite some time has passed since I accepted to process Alexis Sukrieh's NM application (back in August 2005) but today I fired his AM report out to the Front Desk, where it now waits for a review if any things are missing. I hope that I did not leave out anything crucial, due to him being my very first applicant to process as an application manager. Cheers.

